Thank you, ART

Thank you, ART

Here comes my favorite holiday of the year, Thanksgiving!   What can be better than celebrating food, family, and friends? I realize that art plays such a huge role in my life, so I wanted to take a moment to be thankful for all the ways art makes life better: (The following images do not have [...]

Berlin, Art, and Maike Cruse

Berlin, Art, and Maike Cruse

Berlin is known as the artistic mecca of Europe, a place where abandoned, historic buildings are easily repurposed as artists’ studios, and galleries and experimental creative spaces are sprinkled throughout the city. Without high living expenses, artists are able to produce work at a leisurely pace, and can count on support from the government. However, [...]

Happy Birthday ‘Merica!

Happy Birthday ‘Merica!

Two of my favorite holidays are Thanksgiving and the Fourth of July, both distinctly American. They both celebrate friendships and family, and place a huge focus on food! What could be better than that? Today, we celebrate our country's birthday but we also are celebrating SUMMER! No matter how we do it, whether it's with grilling, picnics, fireworks, it's [...]

Studio Visit: Dustin Yellin!

Studio Visit: Dustin Yellin!

Dustin Yellin is everywhere. He's at Lincoln Center, Sotheby's, the Kennedy Arts Center, Armory Week, Frieze Week... and he's taking over Brooklyn. Good thing he is extremely likeable and inspiringly talented, because he'll be around for a long time. Born in LA, his family moved to  Colorado, where he went to school and subsequently dropped out before [...]

Eye Opening AIPAD

Eye Opening AIPAD

In my last post, I presented two images, one by Massimo Vitali and one by Dean West. They look so similar, except that there is a clear difference in monetary value, since one of the works sells for $20k more than the other. So which one was by Massimo Vitali? If you chose the one below, [...]

Art Fair … or UnFair?

Art Fair … or UnFair?

One of the very first art fairs in the United States was The Armory Show, founded in 1913 and held in the 69th Regiment Armory on Lexington Avenue in New York City. It was an exhibition that showcased work by avant-garde European artists alongside the work of American artists, something that had never been done before [...]

New Museum Triennial

New Museum Triennial

Hey hey--the ballet flats are out! And so are the cropped pants. Although it's still in the 40s, I guess we've gotten so used to the perpetual chill that we might as well classify today as 'balmy'. We'll take what we can get though, thank you very much. Welcome Spring in New York (if you can call it that)! Enough [...]